
Do you have the time and energy to volunteer for your professional organization?
Do you want to be an active part of the team that makes a difference?
CEA would love to have you.
Please e-mail our President, Mattie Gould at Mattie.Gould@cpschools.com
She will be happy to find a space to use your talents.
A list of committees and their functions are provided below

1. Lily Brabble
2. Kelly Albaugh
3. Sue Ann Bulak
4. Leona Parker
Educational Support Professionals
1. Rena’ Davis
2. Arthur Anderson
3. Linda Hardy
4. Leona Parker
5. Venus Powell
6. James Benn
Public Relations/
1. Casey Brundidge
2. Don Welty
3. Dwight Parker
1. Andrea Giddons-
2. Karen Settles
1. Mattie Gould
2. Randall Trivett
Political Action
1. Malia Huddle
2. Dwight Parker
3. Andrea Bolden
4. Kelly Albaugh
5. Patricia Coleman

Economic Benefits
1. Al Alexander
2. Melissa Cofield

Instruction and Professional Development
1. Patricia Coleman
2. Casey Brundidge
3. Karen Settles
4. Colleen Lyston

Legislative Action
1. Malia Huddle
2. Marti Craver
3. Andrea Bolden

Professional Rights and Responsibilities
1. Kelly Albaugh
2. Cindy Williams
3. Ramona Goins
4. Patricia Coleman

CEA Functions

  • Public Relations/Communication

    1. Improve the image of educators and the Association to members and the public.
    2. Inform the membership of activities of the local, state, and national associations.
    3. Develop community programs to establish public understanding of the purposes and  programs of the CEA and value of education.

    Instruction and Professional Development

    1. Improve the instructional program through a commitment to the Association and professional excellence.
    2. Identify instructional issues and problems.
    3. Make recommendations for research, conferences, in-service trainings, and other related instructional activities.
    4. Coordinate American Education Week, Black History Month, and other special event activities.

    Legislative Action

    1. Promote education related legislation at the state and federal levels.
    2. Inform members of current legislation.
    3. Educate members and the public of civic responsibilities and citizenship rights of educators.
    4. Advise the CEA in the planning of political activities, sessions, and lobbying techniques.

    Professional Rights and Responsibilities

    1. Inform the members of their professional rights and responsibilities.
    2. Plan and conduct programs and training in the grievance process.
    3. Fulfill responsibilities in accordance with ARTICLE VIII, SECTION 3 which deals with removal of an officer from his/her office or the removal of a member from CEA.

    Economic Benefits

    1. Survey the membership annually to determine concerns and needs.
    2. Prepare materials reflecting membership needs and concerns for presentation to the proper governing bodies.
    3. Communicate activities to each membership unit.
    4. Select from within the committee a negotiating team with the approval of the President. Elections Responsible for carrying out the duties as designated in ARTICLE XII which outlines proper elections processes including establishing election timelines, certifying candidate petitions, counting and certifying ballots and communication results to membership.

    Political Action(Must be a CEA-PAC member)

    1. Conduct interviews to make recommendations to help elect friends of education to political office at all levels of government.
    2. Engage in fundraising activities to contribute to recommended candidate campaigns.
    3. Engage in fundraising activities to fund and carry out political awareness activities.

    Budget (Chaired by the CEA Vice-President)

    1. Recommend a proposed budget annually at the February and March Board of Directors meeting.
    2. Present the proposed budget at the March and April meetings of the Representative Assembly.
    3. Recommend revisions to the budget as needed.

    Educational Support Personnel

    1. Coordinate the integration of ESP members into Association activities at the local, state and national levels.
    2. Encourage ESP members to serve on appropriate committees.
    3. Encourage ESP members to run for elective office, and be fairly represented on all governing bodies.


    1. Organize activities for new teacher orientation week.
    2. Instruct representatives in recruitment of new members.
    3. Promote ways to increase membership.